
Bachelors of Business Administration


27 years

Savonia UAS

Starting year

Field of study
International Business Administration

Bachelors of Business Administration

Work fields seeking

Administration, Art and Culturee, Business, Communications, Finance and Insurance, Humanities and Education, IT, Technology

Work areas seeking

Ilomantsi, Joensuu, Juuka, Kitee, Kontiolahti, Lieksa, Liperi, Nurmes, Outokumpu, Polvijärvi, Rääkkylä, Tohmajärvi, Valtimo, Iisalmi, Juankoski, Kaavi, Keitele, Kiuruvesi, Kuopio, Lapinlahti, Leppävirta, Maaninka, Nilsiä, Pielavesi, Rautalampi, Rautavaara, Siilinjärvi, Sonkajärvi, Suonenjoki, Tervo, Tuusniemi, Varkaus, Vesanto, Vieremä

Work types seeking

Internships, Part-time work, Summer work

Special skills

Computer skills
Basic computer skills
MS Office
AI (basic)

Profession related special skills
I have participated in different projects like Innovate or Die (2019) and also Demola Project. Prior to my BBA I have also participated in SLUSH event, Red Cross and Youth clubs.

Additional text
During my BBA I have realized that my main interests lies in marketing, selling, purchasing and finances. I am a very enthusiastic and fast learner. Being social and to be able to make contacts in any job I feel is important for the company and our own experience and I believe I am confident in doing so. I am able to work in teams and individually.

Know-how in the web: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sukriti-nimbekar-a02693182/


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