
Bachelor of Business Administration


21 years

Savonia UAS

Starting year

Field of study
International Business

Bachelor of Business Administration

Work fields seeking

Administration, Business, Communications

Work areas seeking

Iisalmi, Juankoski, Kaavi, Keitele, Kiuruvesi, Kuopio, Lapinlahti, Leppävirta, Maaninka, Nilsiä, Pielavesi, Rautalampi, Rautavaara, Siilinjärvi, Sonkajärvi, Suonenjoki, Tervo, Tuusniemi, Varkaus, Vesanto, Vieremä

Work types seeking

Full-time work

  • YSchools, Business Administration, International Business, Erasmus+ Double Degree programme, graduated 1.09.2021-30.06.2022
Work experience
  • Center \"Initiative\", April 2023 - September 2023, Conduct candidate searches, prepare profiles and interviews, develop webinars, write and publish job vacancies; Participate in the planning and implementation of the new service
  • Youth Organisation \"Leader\", September 2017 - March 2020, Organised city events, directed plays, hosted concerts
  • Youth Organisation \"Stalker\", March 2018 - March 2019, Developed camp programmes, supervised teams\' work, and provided them with tasks and activities
Language skills
  • Russian, Native language
  • English, Laudable
  • Finnish, Good
Special skills

Computer skills
Microsoft Office (PowerPoint, Word, Excel, Outlook, Teams), Canva, Miro

Profession related special skills
Foundation Certificate in Project Management

Additional text
Recent graduate with a Business background and hands-on experience as an HR Assistant. I bring strong communication skills, multicultural adaptability, and a creative mindset. My diverse experience fosters a responsible, curious, and innovative approach to challenges.

Know-how in the web: https://www.linkedin.com/in/irina-kolesnikova-341864209/


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