
All things concerning media. We do not specialize on anything. I\'m especially talented at cutting films, directing and scripting movies.


6 vuotta




All things concerning media. We do not specialize on anything. I\'m especially talented at cutting films, directing and scripting movies.

Haettavat toimialat

Kulttuuri ja taide

Haettavat alueet

Ilomantsi, Joensuu, Juuka, Kitee, Kontiolahti, Lieksa, Liperi, Nurmes, Outokumpu, Polvijärvi, Rääkkylä, Tohmajärvi, Valtimo, Iisalmi, Juankoski, Kaavi, Keitele, Kiuruvesi, Kuopio, Lapinlahti, Leppävirta, Maaninka, Nilsiä, Pielavesi, Rautalampi, Rautavaara, Siilinjärvi, Sonkajärvi, Suonenjoki, Tervo, Tuusniemi, Varkaus, Vesanto, Vieremä

Haettavat työn luonteet


  • Helsinki Upper Secondary School of Arts (Helsingin kuvataidelukio), matriculation examination, visual arts and movies, valmistunut 2014
  • Restaurant Linnoituksen krouvi, 2013 - 2013, Summer job. Marketing and waitering
  • CIAT- Finland, 2014 - 2014, summer job. Air conditioner installation
  • Suomen Energiayhtiö (Aka the \"Vitun puhelinmyyjät\" reality TV-show), 2015 - 2015, Telemarketing
  • Word Village Festival, 2015 - 2015, roadie jobs and cauging desibels
  • Bouldveard social, 2015 - 2015, Dishwasher
  • Suora Sauma OY, 2015 - 2015, House renovation
  • Suomi, Äidinkieli
  • Englanti, Kiitettävä
  • Ruotsi, Heikko

Tietotekninen osaaminen
Adobe premiere, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, After Effects and Aegisub

Ammatillinen osaaminen
I've studied movie making movies in Helsinki Upper Secondary School of Arts and now at the Karelia University of Applied Sciences. I make a short film with my friends every summer and have participated into Uneton 48 -short film competition.

Vapaa teksti
I'm a funny, talkative guy and get along with everybody. (I literally challenge you to find a person I cannot coupe with!) When I get to do something that I'm interested at, I do it with very high intensity. I worked on my short film for many nights at a row without sleep, just editing. I loved it.

The art -side of my brain seems to be more dominate. I like to be the idea maker and designer. I'd say I'm at best when script writing or other creative stuff, e.g. color grading. In below there is an exercise we did as part of a school assignment. The video was made in 3 hours including planning, shooting, editing and publishing and we got guidance from a guy who worked for Yle.

Osaaminen verkossa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4Z2jlZcNsM

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